Friday, August 2, 2013

Robertsdale mountain coal transport

Although the need for such a railway line of the Charter has been awarded the April 16, 1856, several suggestions, and for 14 years - come one after another before a group of Philadelphia businessman, civil war and stimulate additional track moving troops and supplies, collected need capital to build, molding, still birth regulation, wide top East railway and coal company in July 3, 1871 with the help of. The meeting decided, from the beginning of the three foot, narrow gauge track, in order to reduce the costs of construction and operation, and promote the sharp turn.
The first track, in September 16th the following year, the first locomotive it on the bed, a 17.5 tons, wood burning, narrow gauge 2-6-0 Baldwin locomotive works built in Philadelphia, and was named "Edward Roberts" after one year you want, delivery.
Like a journey of time, can be measured before laying calendar, 11 km of soft g righteousness furnace in August 30, 1873, Sideling and Wrays before the arrival of next year as Robertsdale mountain coal transport and forestry products to broad top mountain alliance, it is the southern terminus, transmission standard rail from Pennsylvania railway train.
Soft g righteousness furnace, furnace shape circle half a mile from the banks of the Blacklog River on the car factory, the original village gradually expand.
The fleet, are multiplied by 26 tons three of Baldwin and engine was acquired by late -1873-1874 at the beginning of the year, the same year the first rail soft g righteousness furnace coal mining Robertsdale delivering fuel to Blast now take over the new soft coal and iron company eventually grams of meaning production of pig iron.

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