Sunday, September 1, 2013

the fresh water trout fishermen fish

What the fish and their fish where: Bass fishing is the most popular type of fishing in the United states. In 38% of all freshwater fish American black perch angler. 28% of the fresh water trout fishermen fish. The angler fish freshwater 28% panfish. 27% of the freshwater catfish angler fish. Bass has been pursued, all freshwater fishing days 36%. Fresh water 92% anglers fish in their state of residence. 23% of the freshwater anglers fished out of state. Freshwater anglers on flat water fish, including ponds, lakes, reservoirs, 85%. 44% of the angler fish freshwater rivers and streams.
The United States fishing by age group: 17% of the 16 to 17 year olds fish, including all the angler 4%. 18 to 24 year olds 13% fish, including all the angler 9%. 19% of the 25 to 34 year olds, fish, including all the angler 19%. 21% of the 35 to 44 year olds, fish, including all the angler 27%. 17% of the 45 to 54 year olds in fish, including all the angler 20%. 55 to 64 year olds 16% fish, including all the angler 12%. 8%65 + years old children of fish, including all the angler 9%. Fishing between the 35 - to 44 year olds increased by 60% between 1980 and 1995. This is the largest increase in any group.
The economic impact of fishing: Fishing for $3560000000 in 2001, in order to pursue their movement. They spent $14.7 one billion fishing, $1700000000 dollars worth of equipment, and the $400000000 license, label, land lease and ownership, membership dues and donations, and magazines. 1 a company named hypothesis, the revenue figures will be fishing in the thirty-second session of the 2002 "fortune" 500 strong list is the biggest company in the United States of america. Total economic output in 2001 produced fresh water fishing more than $d $7400000000 for you, including retailers. We just rang, retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers, plus the indirect and induced effects on suppliers of goods and services, from these activities.

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