Tuesday, July 16, 2013

be a mediocre team the best

Pittsburgh Penguins - yes, we have a pen is ranked sixth in the eastern division. Yes, the penguins have the best players (so to speak), since non Hodgkin lymphoma gretzky. Yes, they have joined the Marion Horsa their arsenal, yes, they have other offensive talent in Malkin, Starr and focus: a ton. However, national defense and foul won the Stanley cup, the team lack in these two areas. May be another first round exit.
Leave Buffalo saber - Brian Campbell is a devastating losses as the saber. Although they have a terrible stretch in the past ten games, winning just three of them. This is an elastic lineup provides a large number of talents and a very strong interference with the ball. The buffalo will scratch their way into the playoffs, but the first round will run out of gas and fall.
The Florida panther - the eastern part of the dark horse to win the last six games. They although the bear and leaflets have two games to hand over the Panthers, Florida has a weaker schedule in front of them. Find their way in the eastern Black Panther across the last playoff spot.
Philadelphia Flyers - this is a broad street, difficult season this year. Has been brought into the Philadelphia has many new faces, they might need a little more time together, in order to gel. Next year may be their one year, but now, you can say... Talent showing itself?
The Boston Bruins - it is best to use a very tough schedule ahead of them, a very mediocre team. The team needs a make known to every family name, on their roster, otherwise they will continue to be a mediocre team the best..!
Washington - winning six of their last ten years, these guys are far from out of the playoffs. However, for the rest of their 10 teams, they have lost the seven last.

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