Thursday, July 11, 2013

double mountain bike race inspection

This article you aspiring mountain bike racer. I want to tell you a little bit about my first mountain bike race, maybe it will inspire you to one of their own. Let us start from scratch...
I picked up my local bike shop form, filled out, and put it in a $13. Then I read Ned Overend's book, to make sure that I would know what was happening in the game. I have no clue, expected in the game, because I have never been to a. I know, I should advance on the day before the game, of course.
A week before the game I and mom drove race for state forest or footpath location. No such luck. The conversation, we found, it is private property, open only to the day of the race. Determine. This trip is not completely wasted, at least we know the direction, how long will be there. We drove around a few back on the road, I was able to get some of the terrain, I will ride feeling.
The game will be on Saturday, so I must take the Thursday at the last Friday to get a decent ride, so I will be very fresh. (if you have a day off the day before the game, your legs may feel on the day of the game "die".) Last Friday, I tried to load as many matches as possible things, as much as possible to save time on Saturday morning.
Well, six one weeks early in the morning, I woke up with a big Apple Cinnamon pancake breakfast four hours of play. Then, I put all my stuff in the list of trucks and double mountain bike race inspection, to ensure that I can get everything I need.
We left the game, it's just a little more than an hour. Take the gave me some time to plan my race strategy and listen to some music, let me draw. Once we got closer, I could see the street racer warm-up. I see so many beautiful cycling jerseys, I was a little scared.

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