Minton victory is sweet, because of Northwest Christian second straight
championships. The Minton's winning time was 14 days in all classification of
all the girls, she won the national accreditation.
Senior Lindsay Wagner
20:34 and her fourth place team completed a personal best, completed a Joanna
nursery set a big new record of playing with her 22:13 time and the tenth place
team in. More importantly, the results of the fourth bet two players before the
break up of St. george.
Complete lost in confusion of Jessica Zimmerman in
the team competition eleventh. If Zimmerman finished fifteenth, rather than 11,
George won the team title, emphasizes the importance of navigation fifth and
final score runner.
Navigation coach Bilgi Ou really occurred in the
northwest Christian Laixi. In addition to the girl for 2 consecutive national
championships, and Minton personal champion, his boy has now been moved to this
year from third teams completed last year's runner-up throne.
The small Mi
Kush Mann third completed by a Justin Horton (10 in 18:13), senior Clinton Barr
(17 18:45), young Alex Feero (18 at seventeen forty-five, and then by the
Navigator boy was runner-up team 18:49), Nathan Bohlig (25 19:13), the new Tyson
Xu (45 21:13) and new Steven Gough (50 21:36).
All may return next year in
addition to the senior Clinton barre. Of particular note is the 3 to return to
the newborn Horton, HEO and gf. To become a profitable runner-up in a great
satisfaction, you need experience, this is a thing of the navigator
Keogh plan of 9 years began to produce titles and trophies than
schools can build a larger circumstances, appropriate display faster. Cup trophy
case, no more space, now line the corridor below the display case.
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