Wednesday, July 24, 2013

for further examination and observation

Do you know who is afraid of dogs? They may have once bitten, and have developed a called "Cynophobia" fear. A sad fear, because according to the 2007 American pet owners and demographic information, only in the United States there are about 720000 dogs. But, because they are seen as "man's best friend", you can expect to see a wherever and whenever.
The injured dog bites are one of the most common causes in the United States, not only in the adult children, but also. According to estimates, nearly 5000000 Americans are bitten by every year 800000 people in need of medical attention; the 368000 was sent to the emergency room, sadly, about 20 people died.
This shows that, we should take care of our dog, still need to be careful. They may be domesticated, but they are still dogs, provoke, bite. They are the property, and protect their young and personal belongings, so you want to be careful when they, especially their pups. But, how do you do, if you are bitten?
Of course, first aid - allows a bleeding wound, if it is not excessive bleeding, and rinse with water. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap, about 5 minutes, let the water running through it again. With dry then apply iodine or hydrogen peroxide. These are painless way to kill bacteria, prevent infection. Allow drugs, natural air, cover the wound with a sterile bandage or gauze pad. After that, consult a doctor for further examination and observation. Determination of the dog - this is a very important step, because signs of dog rabies, must comply with the. If a dog is a dog, you are likely to experience a series of injection for prevention of rabies. A painful process, but much better than death.

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